CSAR, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL
Combusiton Research Assistant
August 2006-May 2008
- Conducted a study on the stability, and extinction characteristics of diffusion flames supported by a spinning methane burner.
- Dynamic non-uniform flames, namely flame holes and spirals appeared at near extinction conditions.
- Investigated the relevance of these unsteady flames to turbulence modeling.
- Developed a three-dimensional finite-difference code to solve the unsteady energy equations in cylindrical coordinates.
- Wrote the code using FORTRAN 90 and parallelized it using MPI.
- Post-processed the data using MATLAB.
Caterpillar Inc., Enterprise Works, Champaign, IL
Structural Analyst Research Assistant
August 2003-August 2006
- Conducted structural analysis of earth moving vehicles using finite element methods through an assistantship with Caterpillar Inc.
- Removed unnecessary components from Pro/E geometry received from design group.
- Created finite element models of complex geometry using IDEAS and HYPERMESH and applied necessary constraints and loads.
- Conducted linear static analysis using ABAQUS or NASTRAN for different components of Caterpillar machines for validation of simulations with test results and for identifying weak design vulnerabilities.
- Conducted non-linear static analysis to identify structural weaknesses in designs during the development of new machines.
- Conducted bolted joint analysis, contact analysis and some hydraulic analysis.
- Conducted modal analysis to identify critical frequencies in newly developed machines.
- Conducted fatigue analysis and made recommendations for improving designs to make components more robust.
- Presented results to clients.
- Illinois Aerospace Institute, Champaign, IL
Instructor, Illinois Aerospace Institute Summer Camp
Summer 2001, Summer 2002, Summer 2003
- Instructor for aerodynamics sessions.
- Instructor for glider building workshops.
- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Urbana, IL
Aircraft Icing Research Assistant
January 2001-July 2003
- Member of the Smart Icing Systems group, SIS, a multidisciplinary group dedicated to the development of a semi-autonomous icing protection system for small aircraft.
- Developed numerical algorithms to enhance the envelope protection systems of aircrafts impaired under icing conditions and implemented the algorithms in a flight simulator using C.
- Developed a neural network in MATLAB to characterize icing effects as a function of aerodynamic coefficients.
- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Urbana, IL
Teaching Assistant
August 2000-December 2000
- Instructor for AAE 260, (currently AE 433), the undergraduate fluid dynamics lab course.
- Instructed on experimental procedures for subsonic and supersonic wind tunnel experiments.
- LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Easton, PA
Viscoelastic Material Property Research Assistant
- Conducted research on the behavior of viscoelastic materials under tensile loads.
- Developed a diagnostic setup to study thermoforming using thermocouples in conjunction with the labview diagnostic interface.
- Designed and manufactured a pseudo fluidized bed for coating prepregs with microparticles.
- Hossain K., Jackson T., Buckmaster J., Numerical Simulations of Flame Patterns Supported by a Spinning Burner, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32, 1, 2009.
- Hossain K., Jackson T., Buckmaster J., Three-dimensional Simulations of Flames Supported by a Spinning Porous Plug Burner, AIAA 2008-1047, 2008.
- Hossain K., Jackson T., Buckmaster J., Edge Flames and Other Structural Complexities Supported by a Spinning Burner, 5th US Combustion Meeting, 2007.
- Wang, X., Hossain K., Jackson T., The Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Aluminized Composite Solid Propellant Combustion, Combustion Theory and Modeling, 11, 4, 2007.
- Hossain K., Sharma V., Bragg M., Voulgaris P., Envelope Protection and Control Adaptation in Icing Encounters, AIAA 2003-0025, 2003.
- Merret J., Hossain K., Bragg M., Envelope Protection and Atmospheric Disturbances in Icing Encounter, AIAA 2002-0814, 2002.
- Hummel, S. Hossain K., Hayes G., Biaxial Stress Relaxation of High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) Above the Glass Transition Temperature, Polymer Engineering and Science, 41, 3, 2001.